
        Take time with Me, together with your spouse and the children. Take time reading My Word together, praying together, seeking Me together. Take time in open communication, expressing your desires. Do you have a desire to become more unified as a family? Talk about it. Do you feel you need My blessings spiritually and financially? Talk about it. Come before Me together as a family, and I will pour out My healing balm upon you and your household. I will pour out My blessings and My supply.

Making things new
        I have put you together, but through familiarity and day-to-day living, you have set aside that deep communion with each other and that deep communion with Me. Renew the communion with Me together, and set aside the old ways and preconceived ideas.
        Set aside all that you think about one another, and instead focus on Me together. Love Me together. Praise Me together. Sing to Me together. Worship Me together. Adore Me together. Seek My face together. Cry out to Me together. And I will fill you together. I will be one with you together, and we will be a three-fold cord together.

Being there for her
        A marriage is a sacred thing to Me. When you see your wife in need and in pain, you need to be moved with compassion to pray for her, to comfort her, to show her love and sympathy and be soft toward her. Don't get exasperated and fed up, or feel put off if she is weaker for a time. Don't feel like it is a big incon­venience and it's really hampering you, but look at her with sympathy and tenderhearted­ness. Take her in your arms and comfort her, love her, weep for her, and especially pray for her.
        If you can't have love and tenderness and com­passion for this dear woman who is your wife, then how can you have love and compassion for others?

A strong marriage
        If your marriage is going to be strong, it must be strong in the spirit. If it's going to be strong in the spirit, then I must be the center.  Your focus, your unity, your love, all must be centered around Me.  Then you'll have what you need to make it over the human weaknesses and mistakes and misunderstandings. But when you go for a long period of time without having good prayer and communication, without humbling yourselves and uniting around My Word, it's very easy to become set in your ways, proud, unyielding and intolerant. You lose the compassion. You lose the tenderness. You lose the sweetness.

Caring for him
        My sweet and precious one: Thank you for being such a good wife to your husband. I'm proud of you, and I commend you for taking good care of your man for so many years, and remaining faithful to him. I love to see people's love endure the test of time. I love to see people who remain faithful in their commitments to each other, and who continue to love, no matter what. Sure, there are ups and downs and tests, but you are a good example because you love each other. For this, I commend you.
        It's especially beautiful when a couple lets Me be part of their union. Thank you for letting Me be part of yours.

Creative crises
        Sometimes what looks like a problem in a marriage is actually My way of strengthening the marriage by bringing those involved to a crisis. If you handle the crisis right, by praying desperately, counseling, seeking Me, communicating honestly, then your marriage will be stronger in the end.  You will be more mature, deeper spiritually, and you will understand your spouse better, through the lessons you've learned together and the difficulties you've experienced together. 

Copyright © 2003 Aurora Production AG, Switzerland

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