Prayer is communication

Prayer is communication
        Think about this: How would you feel if you never received any communications from the person you loved? Wouldn't you feel left out? How would you feel if you never received a love letter from the one who was dearest to you, not even a quick note? Or how would you feel if you went about your entire day and your spouse hardly said one word to you?
        When I don't receive any word from you, it breaks My heart. It makes Me wonder if you really care and if you need Me. Communicate and do not forget Me, for with such sacrifices I am well pleased. Prayer is communication.

What prayer does
        Prayer is not the least you can do, but the very most that you can do. Think about it.  If it's the most you can do, then why don't you pray more?
        Prayer is powerful, and if you want My power, then you must pray. What is prayer? It's your link with the Divine. It's communication. It's tapping into the Source. It's faithfulness to the greatest duty of man. Prayer is rest, faith, complete trust.
        Prayer brings down My peace upon you. Prayer gets action. It lifts you up. Prayer changes the course of history. Prayer heals. Prayer revives. Prayer restores. Prayer builds. Prayer is humility. Prayer is My love. Prayer moves My hand and spurs Me to action. Prayer gets results. Prayer is saving grace for mankind.
        Most importantly, prayer makes us one. Prayer melts us together, so that you might partake of My powers.

A time for everything
        There are many ways to pray. There are times to pour out your heart to Me in desperate crying, seeking Me in fervent prayer. There are times to sit quietly, serenely, in humble seeking and sweet bidding, whispering your needs and requests in My ear.
        There are times to pray as you go, petitioning from your heart in silent words, and there are times to stop, putting all else aside to seek Me with strong prayers.  All are important and all have their place and purpose.
        It's not the position of your body that matters, but the position of your heart.  Pray long when it's needed; pray quick when you must run. There is a time to pray quick and a time to pray long, and you must learn to avail yourself of both. Pray fast or pray slow according to the need-but pray! Depend on prayer. Live your prayers.  Be not weary in prayer.

I hear it all
        There is nothing hid from Me. I know your every thought, your every desire, and every secret prayer. Every time you look up to Me and cry out to Me, I am near. I hear your prayers, and My heart is moved with compassion.  I never harden My heart. I never get tired of listening to you. I never turn away. I never sleep. I never have a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door. I am never distant. I am never too tired or too busy for you. I always hear and answer your prayer-sometimes in the way that you would desire, and sometimes in ways that you know not, or in ways that you cannot yet see. But I do hear and I do answer!

Come to Me
        Come! Come up to the mountains, where the streams are clear and fresh. Come up where the air is not polluted. Climb ever upward, leaving the things of this Earth behind you, and you shall find a purity of spirit, a purity of heart.
        Come to Me with your cup in hand, and see if I will not pour out to you some of the fresh water of My Spirit. For if you will look to Me in prayer, if you will seek Me, and if you will ask Me to pour out My Spirit to you, then I will pour forth.
        Will you march upward? Will you shed the things of Earth that hold you down? Will you set your affections on things above? Will you look to My face, and My face alone? Will you drink of My well and of My well alone? Will you come to Me that I may pour out to you the beauties of My Spirit?

Staying in touch
        Pray, pray, and pray again.  I love it. I revel in it. I love to stay in close communication, so we can be one.  All your prayers are important. Some have different purposes, but all are important, so pray.
        I want to be in constant communication, constant touch. Avail yourselves of every means, every way possible, and let Me shower you with My spiritual wealth. All that is Mine is yours for the asking, from a well that never runs dry. Why settle for the human when you can have the Divine? Receive My power!  It's here. It's ready. It's waiting for you.

All kinds of prayers
        Short prayers, long prayers, group prayers, private prayers, desperate prayers, quick prayers, silent prayers, walking prayers, lying-down prayers, morning prayers, noontime prayers, evening prayers, in-between prayers, prayers for your needs, prayers for your wants, prayers for protection, prayers for your healing, prayers for your work, prayers for your travel, prayers to gain victories, prayers of deliverance, prayers to be comforted, prayers for guidance, prayers for My wisdom, prayers for more love, prayers for miracles, prayers for difficult situations, prayers for others, prayers for yourselves, prayers to change history, prayers that change hearts-shoot them all right up to Me.

Copyright © 2003 Aurora Production AG, Switzerland.

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