Loving your neighbor

4  Loving your neighbor

Love without limits
        I wish to teach you greater love, to open your eyes to unconditional love, that you may learn about it, that you may partake of it, that you may apply it, and that you may learn to love others unconditionally.
        I wish for you now to look upon each person as I look upon them-with endless love, immeasurable love, love that is past understanding, forgiving love, understanding love, unconditional love-that you may learn to love as you have been loved.
        Learn to love others with the same kind of love that has brought you through many tight places-the love that has given you strength to go on, the love that has helped you to forgive, the love that has helped you to open your heart-My love.

Open your heart
        Receive My gift of love for others. How do you receive it?-Just as you would receive any gift from Me. You ask, you accept, and you believe.  How do you enact it?-One step at a time in one deed of love followed by another, followed by another.
        Receive My anointing and enact it day by day, step by step, deed by deed, word by word, action by action, love by love. As you put forth an effort to give and to share and to love, I will match you abundantly, and I will pour into you a greater love, a new love, and a strengthening love.
        Therefore be not afraid, just receive. Open your heart and say, "Yes!" Open your heart and say, "I want it!"  Open your heart and receive, and it will bring forth fruit in your life, in the lives of those about you, and in the lives of those you see and touch.

Little deeds of kindness
        There are many ways that you can show My love to others. You can give a warm greeting instead of an indifferent glance. Take a moment to answer a question with consideration and sincerity, instead of in pressured haste and a busy rush, making others feel belittled or in the way.
        Forgiveness, mercy, tenderness, gentleness, acts and deeds of kindness and caring, simplicity, thoughtfulness, rewards, words of love, words of encouragement, words of praise, all the positive and good things that you can say about someone, loving touches, giving of yourselves, taking time to talk, taking time to listen, making time to share, helping to carry the load, small acts of consideration, stooping to help the other-these will show My love.

Let it pass
        There are two ways: the way of resistance or the way of yieldedness. The way of yieldedness is the easy way. For as the two goats meet on the narrow mountain path, and the one lies down and lets the other walk over him, this is the way I would like for you to be. Otherwise there is only confrontation and the butting of heads. It is so much easier just to lie down and let the other pass over you. Let it pass, I say, let it pass.
        Strive to be humble. Strive to be loving. Fight for kindness and understanding, for these are great jewels that you can wear, which will bring forth the true beauty of God. Seek to be simple, to be loving, to be gentle. It is there, I know, for I know your heart well. I know that in the wellsprings of your heart these desires to be loving, to be humble and sweet and kind, long-suffering and understanding are there. But they can only be released from your heart as you shed your pride and selfishness.
Loving thoughts
        When others fail you or make seeming mistakes, instead of blowing up in anger and frustration, say, "I pray for these and I love these. I want to help them and make it easy for them." Think thoughts of love toward those who frustrate you. Pray for them.
        As you think these thoughts of love and pray these prayers of love, so will the love in your heart be able to permeate your spirit and overcome the pride and selfishness.

The heart's intent
        I am the Creator of all things, and I judge the heart of man. I know the heart of man and all that is therein, so My judgment is just and true.  At the Day of Judgment when you stand before Me and your life is reviewed, I shall judge by the act and by the intent of the heart, thus I judge righteous judgment. For I know the heart of man and there is nothing hid from Me.
        When you seek to do a thing, know that I see and understand the thoughts and intents of your heart. So in all that you do, be motivated by love-My love, love for one another and love for Me. 

Copyright © 2003 Aurora Production AG, Switzerland.

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