Keys to happiness

As constant as the sun
        The happiness of the spirit is far above the happiness of the flesh, for the happiness of the spirit is something you will always have with you. It is something that will never end. The loneliest nights or the darkest clouds can't take it away from you.
        The happiness of the flesh is temporal and a fleeting feeling.-It comes and goes with your mood, with your surroundings, with the physical things that you see, touch and feel. But the happiness of the spirit comes from knowing that I am your Savior, and that I care.
        The happiness that I give is as constant as the sun. When the sun sets at night and disappears beneath the horizon, do you worry that it has left forever? Do you say to another, "There is no more sun in our lives"? No, it is constant, always there. Though the night comes and you cannot see the sun, you never doubt its existence, nor that it will rise the next morning. So is the happiness of spirit-though ever-present, the night comes and you lose sight of it. That is the time to trust and rest until morning, until it comes into sight again.

Simple joy
        The joy of the Lord is your strength. How do you get this joy? It's actually very simple: Love Me with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your strength, and also remember to love others.  Don't worry about what others may think or their opinions. Just do the loving thing and the humble thing.  In fact, people will love and respect you more for that.
        Remember to show outgoing love and concern for others, and I will fill you with My joy, My peace, and My happiness.

Fill the emptiness
        When men's hearts are empty, they are unhappy and unfulfilled; they desire to be happy and to satisfy the hunger that they have. They look around and they see that which is appealing in the world, and they try to fill their vacuum. But what they do not see or understand is that in order to receive the full benefit of My promises, they must fulfill their part.
        This is not easy for some, for they think they will find no happiness in laying down their lives in sacrifice or in surrendering their all to Me. They do not see how that could make them any happier or fill the vacuum that they have in their heart.
        But those who give their all in love for Me and yieldedness to My Spirit-laying down their lives in unselfishness-experience the true joys and ecstasies of My Spirit, which are beyond comparison with anything in this world. This satisfies the heart like nothing else can. It fills the need and satisfies the hunger. But the only way this comes is through full surrender and yieldedness unto Me.

        The feelings and emotions you experience are a direct result of the choices you make, the thoughts you choose to think, the times you choose to be unselfish, the times you put yourself in another person's place and allow your heart to be broken and moved with compassion and love.
        Feelings of love, unity and happiness are My rewards. They are given to you according to your choices and your decisions-how you have determined by your own free will to act and give and respond and sacrifice and understand.

Be happy!
        The joy of the Lord is your strength! It is My will that you find great joy and great pleasure in serving Me and loving Me. It makes Me happy when I see you enjoying yourself, when I see you happy and laughing. I love to see you laugh. I love to see you happy. So be happy and enjoy yourself and enjoy life. Enjoy your meals, enjoy your house, enjoy your recreation, enjoy your work, enjoy your times together. For in enjoying these, you are enjoying Me.  I love to see you happy. So be happy. Don't be afraid to laugh and enjoy yourself.

Treasures waiting for you
        Though I open My arms and call all to come-to yield themselves to Me and let Me fill them with My love, My happiness, My anointing, My fulfillment, and My strength-very few choose to come and give their all to Me.
        But, oh, if you only knew! If you could only see what I long to give to you. How I long to hold and to comfort, to fulfill your every desire, to make your heart burst with joy, overflowing with My love to pour out on others! In this is true happiness and true fulfillment.

Copyright © 2003 Aurora Production AG, Switzerland.

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